Verdictr is the #1 way to find market defintions. We have an extensive collection of market decisions from over 6000 different cases spanning more than a decade.
5 Star Service Guaranteed
Tired? Can’t Find The Case You Want?
We get it. You’re busy. We all are. That’s why we are here to help shorten the search.
We’re here to help
We’ve Found The Path For You
Only with Verdictr can you ensure that you are getting the best service. A product for you and your team, so you can guarantee your clients the quickest and highest quality representation.
Our Features
Quick Searches
No matter the place, the strength of the your internet connection, or the time of day, you wil always get immediate feedback for all of your searches.
Ease of Use
Our user friendly interface allows you to instantly begin searching for whatever definitions you are looking for.
Up-to-date Data
Our data is always the latest and most refined definitions, extracted using machine learning algorithms and language models based on more than 1.5 trillion parameters.
World Wide Support
It does not matter if you are in the Europe or North America, we offer our product world wide.